well , this whole corona virus fiasco has pushed the entire human race to stay indoors. men and women have been stuck inside their homes for a considerable amount of time and everyone is now looking for new hobbies to occupy their new found free time. well if you are looking for a hobby reading is something that will never go out of style. so for anyone interested in reading a couple of books this season here I have jotted down few favorites of mine that I highly enjoyed. so please welcome these well crafted badass masterpieces
Art of the Deal By Donald Trump
since Donald trump is making the highlights of the season for not the facorite reasons , I decided to start with something her wrote . ‘The Art of the deal’ as far as I know is the best publication by donald trump, he maybe a lousy president and a terrible politician , but trust me he is a badass businessman. this book carries the details of deals he made with people that carried him to the top and made him one of the richest real estate moguls. simply put It has all the details on how he built trump tower and other hotels and casino’s under him, how he purchased the required lands and how he funded his operations and his reasons to each of his business decisions. so If you are entrepreneur or an up and coming businessman I highly suggest you check this gem out. Its very resourceful and you will end up learning many great lessons from it.
48 laws of power by Robert Greene
Well If you wanna improve your soft skills , learn to deal with people of all kind this is a must read. as the title says it has 48 equally important rules that you should master to be a master of the people game. what I found interesting about this book is it carries lot of wonderful but lesser know real stories. Author robert greene wonderfully uses these little stories to bring out the message he wants strongly. this book is very famous among celebrities and prison inmates. some celebrities have gone to extremely lengths with this book , including the quotes in the book in their songs and productions and even tattoing the quotes in their arms. another interesting fact about this is it is banned in US prisons. reason being since this work contain themes such as power, seduction and war, which Greene centers many of his works around. Though these themes drive many social, political or economic interactions, officials at correctional facilities feared the book would teach inmates the art of manipulation. Well , I guess that made you curious. so how about reading a banned book, I would say go ahead.
Subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson
is this a book ? yes it is . This book is far from a conventional self help book. I guess you might have watched aussie man reviews videos on YouTube. if not i would suggest please do go ahead and watch and thank me later. if aussie man wrote a book instead of doing YouTube commentries it would sound like this book. but this book has been written by one and only mark manson. it is very casual but brings out many powerful lessons. trust me this book is a hit among young folks. My favorite quote from the book is , where the author goes on to say its not about finding shit free work , but find shit that you like dealing with.It teaches you how not to give a fuck about everything , but give just enough fucks for things that matter and align with your personal values and taste.
Men are from mars women are from Venus by John Gray
well understanding opposite sex has always been a problem to everyone in this world. this book is a nice little guide to understand why we run in to conflicts with out significant other and how to be more understanding and avoid such issues. John gray our author uses this analogy throughout the book mentioning that men are from mars and women are from Venus and since they are from different worlds thus speaks different languages , its difficult for them to understand each other. In this book john gray masterfully breaks down both languages thus men know what women mean and vice versa.
Modern romance By Aziz Anzari
well , this book is not a book , its more like research. whats special about this book is its dating insights written by a comedian. anzari is a comedian. he has his own show which is called ‘Master of none’ , please do check it out if you haven't. In this book anzari compares love 30 years ago against modern love and love across the globe in different contexts and how they have changed over time. he says people marry later than ever as of now and spends lot of time on a quest to find the soul mate or perfect love unlike years back where you settled with a person who can provide you and is not a murderer. Anzari’s has teamed up with leading sociologists and psychologists and has conducted many interviews from Tokyo to Buenos Aires to Wichita with adults of different ages to find interesting content for this book. that’s why I said this is a not a book , but a massive social experiment on perspectives of love. usually people find research findings and numbers very boring, but this is where anzari being a standup comedian comes in to play. he has written this book funniest way possible and you can skim through it with same excitement over night.
Born a crime by Trevor Noah
If you are looking for a autobiography i highly recommend this one. best thing is this even has an audio book version in Noah’s voice. this book explores Trevor Noah’s unlikely path from apartheid South Africa to the desk of The Daily Show. It also tells the story of bond shared by Noah with his mother who is fearless, rebellious, and fervently religious woman and her continuous struggle to save her son from the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse that would ultimately threaten her own life.This is an absolute peach and is very entertaining from the word get go.
Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
well this is a classic and needs no introduction.Its a story of a young shepherd named Santiago who is able to find a treasure beyond his wildest dreams , people he encounter during his journey , the lessons he learn on the way and how the experiences help him to find his true self. “when you really want something to happen, the whole universe will conspire so that your wish comes true” is the core of the novel’s philosophy and a motif that plays throughout. Even though it is written way back in 1988 it explores few themes highly relevant to today’s context.
Well , these are my top picks. kudos to avid readers who have read all these.If you haven't its never too late to start. I guarantee these books will entertain you above and beyond and will end up making you a story teller. If you followed this article and read all please do drop a comment below so I know I helped a fellow reader out. If you have good suggestions for me to read please do go ahead and suggest them in the comments below too. I would love to see what you guys have in store for me and what gems I missed. So its time for me to say ciao for the moment. take care of yourself and in the meantime use your time productively.